Sunday, December 27, 2009

He, Who is I. Continue..

It was the 15th of March 2007. A sunny and cold morning.  When I had laid out the plan to secretly clone myself.  No one needed to know, not even my family nor my friends would have any idea.  This society would call me "insane" to ever think of such a plan and say it is against God.  I can hear the legal and religious debates going on.  Well, I figured to use my DNA.  Firstly, it is my idea, and secondly, I was a nobody to society.  i'm not going for fame nor fortune.  Just that I wanta copy of myself and to see if I can do it.  For now I'll have to do alot of research to find the scientists and doctors that might be interested in helping me.
Where I had to check is on the Internet for them thatwere doing the research into cloning.  It was just a beginning and a hard one at that.  I was given only some anonymous tips without success.  Four months of grueling hits ans misses and nothing...  In the mean time, I had read and studied, through the various theses of well-known scientists and doctors on and about the ethical and religious opinions they had about cloning.
 I held my opinions and never expressed them on the net.  I had to keep them to myself for now.  I could not have any hinerances stop me!  i was determined to go through with the cloning, somehow, somewhere, someway.  I was a random combination of my parents' DNA structures that had created me.  So why was I not allowed to take the same sequence and copy it?  In essence, to have a child of myself.
I continued to use the Internet for the research.  Which I inquired the scientific commnity.  There were neither replies nor responses!  It was like an area not opened to discussion. "A No one home" sign hanging there.  then! On the 15th of September, I received a reply.  The date I will never forget.  It was six months exactly after the beginning. I  had opened the e-mail and I noticed the encryption.  so I uncrypted it.  All it stated was a GPS location, date and an entrance code.  There was no return address to say who it was from.

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