Sunday, March 15, 2009

Our President!

We all have to work with the President to get America back on track . Our economy will strive and strain for awhile, but the Stimulus Package will work! It takes time and patience from all!
The Parties will have to work together and leave all partisan alone until the economy of the United States grows and employment level increases. We have too many citizens losing their jobs and homes right now. These citizens are voters for all who are elected to their positions.
we have no fear! So..."We only have hope!" in the rebuilding of our economic status in the world.
Let's not expect any high cost of fuel for our vehicles this coming spring and summer! The prices for the fuel should be around $1.85 and $2.00 a gallon for regular unlead all this year and the following year until the economy stabilizes enough for any increase in crude oil prices! Any increase in the crude oil prices will only hinder any hope for the economy to rebound in the next three years. The dollar needs to gain its value to offset any increase in prices, and of inflationary intentions in the markets.
The markets will rebound and the people will have faith in and of reinvesting money in the markets in the few years, only when the dollar gains value and inflation in kept under control.
Give the President's plan time to work and let go of some of the earmarks so that we all don't pay for things that really did not need to be! Too many earmarks destroys any plan for growth in this Nation!

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