Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Doors Of The Mind.

The mind has many doors that lead to different memories and these memories are part of how we think, feel amd react to the situations of life. These doors are sometimes referred as channels (gateways) by the various fields of study of the subconscious mind. Overall, the subconscious is coonsidered the storehouse of all memories that contain the thoughts, feelings, and reactions of everyday activities in one's life.
These channels (doors) can be opened or close by the mind with simplicity for most people. For these people, the doors open or close in a timely fashion as the daily thoughts occur. Their thoughts are balanced with the harmony of their minds. Although these people are balanced,. There are others that have difficulty with their minds, because some of the doors are hard to open or close with all the over abundance of emotional energy within them. They have unresolved issues holding the doors opened or keeping them closed. This is a tremendous event in the mind to overcome, which prevents the doors from working properly in a timely fashion. People with untimely doors can be the ones with gateways to abnormality of thoughts.
Some individuals only have the doors they need to use for everyday life. Others are not so lucky, for they have the ones that are stuck opened. A constant flow of memories, disturbing their thinking. This overwhelming surge of emotional energy clouds the present moment reality, until the doors swings shut for awhile. then this is just a temporary relief. Apparently there is no key to lock the door completely shut, because the lock is broken or the key is missing.
Each door has its own unique key to lock or unlock it. Which makes it simplier to remember, or to overcome, the memories. An individual has to find the right key, among many at times, to unlock or lock the doors. At times, there are more doors than there are keys and this individual has to sort through different methods to find the key(s). these methods are the different psychotherapy programs available to assist the individual in his or her recovery. Once the key(s) is found. The work can be started to locking or unlocking the appropriate doors to release the energy held behind the doors or to closr the doors that need closing for good.
Some doors are so warped that there is no key to keep it shut or to open it up. These doors need repairing, but it is hard to repairthese doors. Psychotherapy alone will not help. A Drug therapy is needed! Still this is just temporary, because the repairs are only minute fix and then the energy that is surpressed finds its way out through the warped door again.
Where do these doors come from? They are created from the five senses experiences that occur in our body and from the thinking processes that we have. As we have new experiences, the mind creates storage for these experiences. Which are the doors in the mind. the subconscious is the usual known name. How many doors are there depends upon the individual. A young child doesn't have as many as an older adult, because the brain is still developing (acquiring new doors). The mind developes a habit of using the same doors to place memories in. This is so that the mind doesn't have to repeat using the door of the same memory over and over again.

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