Sunday, March 8, 2009

Civil Rights

We The People Of The United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure Domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
The ad infinitum of these explictly written words laid out by our Founding Fathers, was to form an independent Nation, from England, because of her deprivation of civil liberties and rights for her American-born briton citizens. Great Britian was adherently depriving the constitutionality rights of the citizens of America that was supposively granted be Great Britian herself.
Our Founding Fathers argued and demurred many British constitutional grievances of which the violations of rights and liberties were greatly misconsstrued and prejured be the explication of the King, himself, and of the Parliment. The founding Fathers decided on their own concession, to frame a document, berneficial to its citizens, which was the "Declaration of Independence".
This declaringwas the call for the rights and liberties for its citizentry, and for the future generations of Americans to adhere to. That all people are entitled equality to all rights and liberties given by the Constitution. All Americans have the security to these rights, liberties, and privileges, not to be in fear of losing any of them, by force nor coercion from this government nor any other government.
This U.S. Constitution has no dissimilarity nor disillusionment written in its wordings towards whom, or which class of people, should have the forebearance of losing their rights, liberties, and privileges. Today, this Nation and States have been constantly violating the Civil rights privileges of many Americans. According to the Articles of Conferation, article IV, "the free inhabitants of each of these States, paupers, vagabonds and fugitives from Justice expected, shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of free citizens in the several states; and the people of each state shall have free ingress and regress to and from any other state..." Is it the juripurdence of either the State or Federal level of government, to violate the articles of conferderation, to justify a creation of registry for a set group of Americans? These Americans' Civil Liberties and Civil Privileges are constantly being violated, from the laws laid out in the US Constitution, of not detaining nor requiring a person to have a passport from each state to another, nor asking permission, or notifying, to thereof.
The Bill of Rights was addressed to all citizens of the United States, that they shall have those unalienable rights, which are not deprived in and of themselves. But to have prerogative liberties, to live life without due interference from any individual or established government in this Nation or abroad. Do we still incline to the People that these rights are appicable, or ept, to what we interpret the the wordings of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights? Are we hindering the Bill of Rights, only causing more doubt that these rights are only for the few, and not for the many? there should be, and have been, an equal protection for all individuals, but to a degree, in this present day society. Even though there were, or are, conflicts of interests towards the morals and values of the rights, or towards any discussion and/or different of opinions to what or whom should be under this equality and to what or whom should be deprived of this equality, laid out by the Bill of rights.
No one individual, or individuals, should hav any depravity, or be demitted their constitutional rights to reside where they want, living without freedom nor privacy in their lives. This demission woud not be adhereant to the Constitution, in its fulness. To allow the People their freedoms and privacy and to live within the means of the laws, is what the wordings of this great document implies, without force, or requirement of certain individuals to have undue restraints intentional in placed in their lives. Which is an unnecessary inordinated form of punishment that far surfeit what freedom stand for. Are we truly following the U.S. constitution as it was worded from opur Foundingf Fathers or are we conforming it to what or how we want the People to be or act like in society?

This is an essay I have written years back after observing our Freedoms and Liberties and the way they were and are being manipulated.

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