Thursday, February 23, 2023

It has been awhile...


I have not been writing much with Blogger, but now it is the time  to write. 

We have been through much since 2019! Our World has changed so much. Many citizens of earth have died from a terrible pandemic! Economies damaged in ways we wonder if they will ever recovery to what we wanted them to be. Our supply and demand balances are coming back to what we buy and need in our lives.

High inflation is the results of the economic shut downs throughout the world. Each economy has adjusted their interest rates for their banking systems to slow down, or to bring down, inflation over time. There is no short time solution for curve inflation, but it does not last for decades. It is a short term increase! A period of less than 5 years. Then inflation cost comes down, and then interest rates decreases shortly after inflation shows a decrease in rate of 3.5% or more per year. If the US shows signs of a decrease in the inflation for 2023 by 3.5%, then there will not be an increase in the federal interest rate towards the end of 2023.

Crude Oil prices, now, are lower than $100.00 a barrel and the new range for these prices will be between $60.00-$90.00. The markets will not allow any higher prices without going into a recession. US gas prices should hold under or near $3.00 national average in the upper $90.00 a barrel, and lower at $2.35 at the $60.00 a barrel. Diesel prices will also be decrease to within range of gas prices, about a $0.50 per gallon difference.

The US should take the advantage of the lower crude oil price to fill its reserves. An increase in US drillings and pumping is very important to do, to help fill the reserves and also for export sales.

This is much to take in and think about! There is no democrat or republican thinking here! Just common sense thinking!

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